The Lord God Purple Print
These are digital prints. When you order you will receive a folder to download which will includes 7 high quality JPEG files without the Living Life Thankful watermark. You can print & use however you wish. Slight color variations are to be expected depending on the quality of your printing service or device.
After you purchase you will receive an email from Shopify with a link to download the zipped folder that will have all 7 images in it.
There is a download button available after you purchase as well.
Ways to print:
*You can use your own printer at home
(Note on printing from your own printer at home:
If the colors don’t look correct on your printouts, following are the main things to check and adjust. Note that these recommendations are specifically related to printing on a good inkjet printer at home.
• Try adjusting the paper type setting on your printer. We have found that printing using either the “photo matte” or “premium matte” paper type setting works best, but you may need to try other settings depending on what model inkjet printer you are using.
• Make sure your printer is set to the highest quality print setting.
• Make sure the Black/Grayscale or Grayscale setting is not selected in your printer software.
• Run a nozzle check to see if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. Then clean the print head, if necessary.
• The ink levels may be low and you may need to refill the ink.)
*You can email or take the file to a local print shop:
*You can upload the files to an online printing/framing store. Some I like are Mpix, Fracture, Shutterfly, Nations Photo Lab & Snapfish.
The great thing about printing at most of these places is you can print on anything- canvases & metal as well as many other materials.
For a large amount of greeting cards MOO Print or Smartpress.
* Note on buying frames:
*Some of our favorite places to buy inexpensive frames are Micheals & Hobby Lobby.
You will receive the following files when you purchase:
One JPG file named 24x36 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 2:3 suitable for printing these image sizes:
24x36 in. / 60x90 cm
20x30 in. / 50x76 cm
16x24 in. / 40x60 cm
12x18 in. / 30x45 cm
10x15 in. /26x38 cm
8x12 in. / 20x30 cm
6x9 in / 15.24x22 cm
4x6 in. / 10x15 cm
One JPG file named 18x24 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 3:4 suitable for printing these image sizes:
18x24 in / 45x60 cm
15x20 in / 38x50 cm
12x16 in/ 30x40 cm
9x12 in / 22x30 cm
6x8 in / 15x20 cm
One JPG file named 16x20 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 5:4 suitable for printing these image sizes:
16x20 in / 40x50 cm
12x15 in / 30x38 cm
8x10 in / 20x25 cm
4x5 in / 10x12 cm
One JPG file named 11x14 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 11x14 suitable for printing these image sizes:
11x14 in / 28x25 cm
One JPG file named 20x28 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 7:5 suitable for printing these image sizes:
20x28 in/ 50.8x71.1 cm
10x14 in/ 25.4x35.56 cm
12x12 in/ 30.48x30.48 cm
5x7 in/ 12.7x17.78 cm
2.5x3.5 in/ 6.35x8.89 cm
One JPG file named 20x20 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will have an aspect ratio 1:1 suitable for printing these image sizes:
20x20 in/ 50.8x50.8 cm
16x16 in / 40.64x40.64 cm
12x12 in / 30.48x30.48cm
10x10 in /25.4x25.4 cm
8x8 in / 20.32x20.32 cm
One JPG file named A1 (without the watermark) with a title pertaining to the picture will be suitable for printing the following International image sizes:
A1 / 594x841 mm
A2 / 420x594 mm
A3 / 297x420 mm
A4 / 210x297 mm
A5 / 148x210 mm
These are large, high resolution 300 dpi that allow for high quality printing.
Our apologies we do not accept returns, exchanges, or cancelations.
Thank you so much for your purchase! May the Lord bless you Mightily! XO
I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God…
Isaiah 45:5 NIV
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